martes, febrero 14

UGR#12 – Consumo del agua

UGR#12 – Consumo del agua

The objective of World Water Day 2011 is to focus international attention on the impact of rapid urban population growth, industrialization and uncertainties caused by climate change, conflicts and natural disasters on urban water systems.
This year theme, Water for cities: responding to the urban challenge, aims to spotlight and encourage governments, organizations, communities, and individuals to actively engage in addressing the challenges of urban water management.

Fuente: worldwaterday2011

Localización: 43º 15’ 29’’ N
                  2º 56’ 28’’ O

           Actividad                Consumo de agua

Bañarse                            150 litros
Ducharse                          30 litros
Usar la cisterna del baño    10 litros
Limpiar la casa                  15 litros diarios
Lavadora                          200 litros
Lavavajillas                      150 litros
Lavar la vajilla a mano       10 litros por persona
Lavarse las manos             1,5 litros
Cocer alimentos                1 litro por persona
Beber agua                       0,5 litros

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