martes, diciembre 18

Urbanizaciones involutivas - Intervención Urbana #4

Las políticas urbanas continúan incasablemente en su afán de atraer más y más gente a la ciudad (en el 2050 las ciudades absorberán más de la mitad de la población mundial), para luego echarla sin contemplaciones con la excusa de cumplir una ley de principios del siglo pasado que solo beneficia a una pequeña parte de la sociedad: los banqueros y sus juntas de accionistas.
Democracia: justicia, igualdad y libertad solo para quienes pueden pagarla.

En esta intervención tomamos prestadas varias imágenes de “Procesos de urbanización insostenibles siguiendo estrategias involutivas” para modificarlas de tal manera que nos permitan realizar pequeñas maquetas de espacios urbanos a los que parece faltarles “el aire”, el espacio, y a muchas de cuyas fachadas se las ha marcado para indicar simbólicamente los hogares que han sido desahuciados

Como habitualmente hacemos, documentaremos gráficamente la intervención y postearemos las imágenes a través de Espaciophake, donde todo el que quiera podrá llevar a cabo cualquier aportación o comentario.

After going all over the exhibition: “Unsustainable processes of urbanization following regressive strategies”, there’s nothing much we could add as images speak for themselves, and, from Colectivo Komite, we, as probably much of you have done, have ended with the same sad conclusion: it is quite absurd to continue making grow the density of properties of this country while the local authorities keep on expelling people from their homes at the current pace

That is, the urban policies projected from the authorities continue tirelessly their eagerness to attract more and more people to the cities (in the year 2050, cities will comprise more than the half of the global population), to turn them out later with the excuse of a law dated from the beginnings of the last century that only benefits to a small part of society: the bankers and their boards.
We meet once more face to face with another one of the great contradictions in which our society is immersed: come to a place full of opportunities and live from the dream of the future while you can pay for it, if not, leave with even less luggage with which you came. 
Democracies at the beginning of a new millennium: justice, equality and liberty only for those who can afford them.
We have borrowed some images from the exhibition, and then modified to eventually make small models of asphyxiating urban spaces and buildings whose facades have been marked to symbolically show those homes that have been evicted.

As we usually do, we will graphically document the urban intervention and post the images on the blog espaciophake, where all of you that so want it could make any commentaries or contributions to the project.

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